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Investment Solutions for Today’s and Tomorrow’s Challenges

We offer a full range of investment options and portfolio management services that other financial advisors simply cannot.

Over 40 Years of Experience Helping Investors Like You Achieve Their Goals

Transform your savings into a source of dependable and renewable income you can count on in retirement.

Customized Strategies You Can Count On. Personalized Service You Deserve

Take the first step toward a worry-free retirement by scheduling a no-cost consultation today!

Retirement Peace of Mind with More Confidence

We specialize in financial strategies designed to provide more reliable, lifelong income.

A More Stress-Free Retirement

We help you invest more for the “I” and less for the “G” to potentially reduce exposure to stock market risk. You can count on us to answer any questions you may have regarding which investment strategies are most suitable for you.

Drew Pelton

Five Fundamental Pillars of Financial Planning

We embrace the responsibility associated with managing your money and your future.

  1. A proprietary approach to helping provide lower fees, lower volatility, and lower risk.
  2. Making the complex and complicated simple and easy to understand.
  3. Deep and broad subject matter specialization, knowledge, and experience based on integrity.
  4. Dedicated to help achieve our clients’ goals and objectives no matter the scope.
  5. As an independent financial services and retirement planning firm, we offer the full spectrum of services, financial products, and investments.

Call Now

It’s your money, it’s your retirement, it’s your life, and you’ve got to get it right for you! As a Retirement Income Source, Drew Pelton Investment Services provides the balance of investment returns all while trying to minimize risks and to possibly reduce fees. We will collaboratively align your goals with an effective investment approach suitable for you, designed to meet your future needs. As significantly important, we’ll be by your side every step of the way. Our planning process provides the full range of investments, enhanced features, and benefits while building the preservation and stability you desire in your investment portfolio.

Contact Us

Our Mission

To provide the highest level of knowledge, experience, and financial specialization making the complicated and complex subject matter simple and easy to understand, all while trying to minimize fees and reduce stock market risk.

4317 Bluebonnet Blvd, Suite B
Baton Rouge, LA 70809



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4317 Bluebonnet Blvd B, Baton Rouge, LA 70809, USA